Welcome to RegisterForFestival.com!

Smart, easy, and accurate festival administration

RegisterForFestival is a complete solution designed to help teachers and administrators manage student infomation, festival registration, and post competition result quickly, easily, and accurately.

RegisterForFestival eliminates virtually all of the paperwork and manual processes that many festival districts face today. Our customers have used RegisterForFestival to help ensure that -- all student information is accurate -- all registrations conform to Federation guidelines -- and all competition results including gold cup points get recorded.

Best of all, RegisterForFestival is available anytime and anywhere, from any computer connected to the internet.

A complete district-wide festival solution

RegisterForFestival can even automate your on-site festival process with a solution that features bar-coded reports, scanning, and automated scorekeeping. After the festival, this information is automatically updated and available via the web site.

Thousands of festival registrations have been processed though RegisterForFestival for districts of all sizes.

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